Gill & Jo

Gill & Jo


Stopsley Property Management Limited is owned by Jo Hill, Dave Hill, Gill Lennox and George Lennox, who are Directors of the business.

Jo and Gill will run the business on a day to day basis. They were both born in Stopsley and know the community and it's needs. They are reliable and will work with integrity, for both landlords and tenants alike.

The aim of the business is to provide a small and friendly accessible Lettings Management Company for the local area. Jo and Gill have lived in Stopsley all of their lives and have been employed by local Banks, Building Societies and a village Estate Agents (which has recently closed, leaving a gap in the Stopsley Area for a small lettings business).

Jo Hill and Gill Lennox Career History

Jo and Gill worked together in Midland Bank in the 1980’s before leaving work to start their families. Jo returned to work in the lettings world for the next 19 years whereas Gill worked in the village HSBC Bank. They would eventually join in a lettings career for a further 10 years in Stopsley Village.

George Lennox Career History

George was born in Glasgow and has worked as a Senior Manager in HSBC Bank for over 40 years in Credit and Risk, most recently 'Head of Underwriting' in Asia, he is looking forward to helping with the Company.

 Dave Hill Career History

Dave was born and raised in Leagrave before moving to Stopsley in 1985. He is an engineer and works for a model and prototype company. Dave will assist with general maintenance if requested.


Moving forward...

The team are excited and looking forward to their new venture, using all of their previous knowledge and experience in the industry.


Company Registered in England No. 11468679